Immigration Assistance
Are you getting the right immigration help?
Many people offer help with immigration services. Unfortunately, not all are authorized to do so. While many of these unauthorized practitioners mean well, all too many of them are out to rip you off. This is against the law and may be considered an immigration services scam.
If you need help filing an application or petition with USCIS, be sure to seek assistance from the right place, and from people that are authorized to help.
Going to the wrong place can:
- Delay your application or petition
- Cost you unnecessary fees
- Possibly lead to removal proceedings
Remember: Know the facts when it comes to immigration assistance, because the Wrong Help Can Hurt.
We are an Authorized Provider
Centro Hispano El Charro is in process of being an authorized agency to do so by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).
We at El Charro are here to help you achieve your American Dream and help you through all your stressful moments that you have to overcome in order to be an U.S. Citizen
At El Charro we carry on our promise to help you